Last CVR publications
Institutional Scientific

Publications in Book Chapters

Soares, M.; Ribeiro, A.; Vasconcelos, T.; Matos, J.; Castro, C.; Reis, P.; Barros, M.; Carvalho, J.; Vilarinho, C.. "The upvalue concept under the scope of waste digital marketplace and matchmaking platforms". In WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV, 427-432. CRC Press, 2023.


Publications in Book Chapters

Genisheva, Z.A.; Soares, M.; Faria, L.; Vilarinho, C.; Carvalho, J.. "The current state of wastes valorization from wine production". In WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV, 422-426. CRC Press, 2023.


Publications in Book Chapters

Pacheco, N.; Barbosa, F. V.; Ribeiro, A.; Marques, L.; Teixeira J. C; Vilarinho, C. "Microwave plasma gasification: An innovative approach for sewage sludge treatment". In WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV, 415–421. CRC Press, 2023.


Publications in National and International Magazines with Arbitration

Margarida Soares; André Ribeiro; Tomás Vasconcelos; Manuel Barros; Carla Castro; Cândida Vilarinho; Joana Carvalho. "Challenges of Digital Waste Marketplace—The Upvalue Platform". Sustainability (2023):
