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The project OiLCA is an international project for the Community Initiative Interreg IVB SUDOE. States to improve the competitiveness of the European oleic Southwestern that brings together Spain, Portugal and southern France, based on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Cost Analysis to identify opportunities to optimize oil production.


- AOTAD – Associação dos Olivicultores de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro;
- CVR - Centro para a Valorização de Resíduos;
- Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse;
- Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología - IAT;
- CITOLIVA- Centro de Innovación y Tecnología del Olivar y del Aceite de Mengíbar.



Sustainable Finance
The CVR, in partnership with ISQ, is promoting an initiative that aims to bring the topic of “Sustainable Finance” to debate.
Italian school students intern at CVR
Four students from the Italian school IIS "A. Olivetti" interned at CVR. The objective of this exchange is to internationalize their skills, strengthen their language abilities, broaden horizons and anticipate their entry into the job market. CVR welcomed the students as part of the Financiamento Base Mission2GG - Grow Green project.