Last CVR updates
Ecotoxicity Analysis: What is it and What are the Advantages?
Ecotoxicological studies provide information on the overall toxicity of a sample and are used to assist in determining the hazardous characteristics of waste.
Creation of the Blue Point Consortium for a Blue Economy, an international alliance to combat plastic pollution in the Atlantic Ocean
Blue Point is an ambitious project seeking to address the problem of marine plastics and turn it into an opportunity to establish a Blue Circular Economy in the regions of Gipuzkoa, Cantabria, Asturias, Portugal, France and Ireland.
Consortium of the Plasma2Gas Project develops plasma gasification equipment
The Plasma2Gas Project Consortium (CVR, NEL New Energy Level, AMBITREVO and the University of Minho) has developed a microwave-induced plasma gasification equipment for the energy recovery of waste.
CVR at the annual CTI meeting
CVR was present at the event "Innovation and Technological Valorization towards Sustainable Development Goals", which was part of the celebrations marking the 30 years of innovation agencies in Portugal (1993-2023).
BBTWINS will combine cutting edge technologies to improve agri-food supply chains
The BBTWINS project, comprised of leaders in technology from seven EU countries, convened on 12 and 13 September in the seaside town of Vigo in Galicia, Spain, with the goal of transforming the way Europe farms.
Wastes brought together hundreds of people to debate the future of Waste Management and Sustainability
The International Conference Wastes brought together more than two hundred people from all over the world, for a joint reflection on the sectors of Waste Management, Recycling and Sustainability.