Consortium of the Plasma2Gas Project develops plasma gasification equipment
30 November, 2023
30 November, 2023

Consortium of the Plasma2Gas Project develops plasma gasification equipment

The Plasma2Gas Project Consortium (CVR, NEL New Energy Level, AMBITREVO and the University of Minho) has developed a microwave-induced plasma gasification equipment for the energy recovery of waste. This equipment encompasses all stages of the gasification process, including waste feeding, gasification and treatment systems, and synthesis gas cleaning. This solution was achieved within the scope of the project Plasma2Gas: New Energy Level – Gasification System.




Associated with this equipment, a monitoring and simulation system for the entire gasification process was also developed. The obtained results validated this energy recovery solution with technical, environmental and economic benefits.

From a technical perspective, it was possible to obtain synthesis gas rich in hydrogen and carbon monoxide with a high lower heating value, which, under industrial conditions, could be used to generate electricity and heat through cogeneration.

Considering the Climate Change impact category, expressed in kg CO2 eq., it was found that this solution presents a reduction of approximately 90% in environmental impacts compared to the disposal of the waste under study.

Regarding the economic aspect, the results identified that the development of a small-scale industrial unit with a processing capacity of 1000 kg/day would have a NPV (Net Present Value) of €2,256,590.42, an IRR (Internal Rate of Return) of 22%, and a payback period of around 5 years.

The Project Plasma2Gas: New Energy Level - Gasification System aims to strengthen research, technological development, and innovation. It was co-financed by the European Union through FEDER - European Regional Development Fund, framed in COMPETE 2020 - Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization, Portugal 2020, in the amount of €1,017,491.86, of which €760,933.14 comes from FEDER. NEL New Energy Level, Lda. (lead promoter), AMBITREVO - Agricultural and Environmental Solutions, Lda., CVR - Center for Waste Valorisation and the University of Minho are the beneficiary entities.