CVR at the annual CTI meeting
16 November, 2023
16 November, 2023

CVR at the annual CTI meeting

The Executive Director of CVR, Jorge Araújo, attended the event "Innovation and Technological Valorization towards Sustainable Development Goals," part of the celebrations marking the 30 years of innovation agencies in Portugal (1993-2023). The event took place at the Pavilion of Knowledge in Lisbon.

Organized by ANI, the initiative brings together CoLAB, CTI, TTO, and entrepreneurs from the BfK – Born from Knowledge program for a reflection on how these entities can collaboratively contribute to addressing key global challenges, putting innovation and knowledge in the service of society.

The event, which included individual and joint sessions for different participant types, aimed to promote the exchange of experiences and information on topics related to capacity building, financing, valorization, and internationalization.



This participation is integrated into the project 'Base Funding Mission2GG - Grow Green,' funded by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan (, framed within the Interface Mission.